I want to share something personal with you today—
Recently, someone unsubscribed from our email list, explaining, “I thought you were about selling food, but now you’re promoting pseudoscience.” This was in response to my invite to a free Pranic Healing session at our farm. At first, I felt hurt and perhaps I should not have sent that email. Then I remembered—I too, would have thought the same thing many years ago.
When we started this farm, I was a recent graduate from the University of Guelph. I had a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, a love for facts, and a firm belief in conventional methods. Everything had to have a scientific explanation, a proven formula. But here’s the thing: science doesn’t have all the answers. And I discovered that firsthand.
We didn’t have the money to farm the way the textbooks prescribed. No tractors, no plows, no chemicals, no GMO seeds. Instead, we worked with what we had—hay fields, goats, and milk. We left the fields to grow naturally, let the soil regenerate itself, and trusted the cycles of nature.
Meanwhile, our neighbor continued the conventional route: heavy tilling, chemical fertilizers, and monocrops. At first glance, his farm seemed “productive.” But over time, I saw the real difference.
Today, our fields are rich and alive. The soil is healthier, six inches higher than the neighbours, and home to endangered birds, pollinators, and diverse plant life. Our neighbor’s fields? Stripped of life, dependent on inputs to stay afloat.
This experience taught me something profound: sometimes doing less and trusting natural processes yields more—not just in produce, but in life.
And here’s where it gets interesting. Science is evolving, too. It’s no longer just about chemicals and medications; it’s exploring the unseen—energy fields, brain-heart coherence, and even how our emotions shape our biology. These aren’t just “woo-woo” concepts. Major universities are studying these phenomena with hard data and mathematical precision.
I know it sounds a little out there. I once thought so too. But I’ve learned that being open to new ideas can lead to amazing discoveries. Regenerative agriculture, meditation, emotional health—they aren’t about chasing profits. They’re about creating systems that nourish us, our land, and our communities.
There’s no big money in biodynamic farming or nutrient-dense food, just like there isn’t in meditation or energy healing. That’s why these ideas don’t dominate the mainstream. But for those of us living it, the results are real.
This farm has always been about more than selling food. It’s about connection—to the earth, to the animals, and to each other. It’s about embracing both the science and the mystery of life.
So if you’re still with me, I invite you to keep an open mind and an open heart. The world is changing, and so are we. Together, we can build something better—one step, one idea, and one hay field at a time.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us.
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