I love producing food.
One reason I love producing food is because our business flows with the seasons. It is fall, I prefer saying "fall" to "autumn" because of the vision I have in my head when I use the word fall. Leaves falling off trees, kids joyfully falling into piles of leaves, goats falling in milk production.
I am enjoying this period of "drying off" goats. The number one reason is that my workload is less. I love my work AND milking twice a day everyday and processing that beautiful milk means long days and strenuous work. I am falling into this drying off period gracefully. I am embracing the coming winter rest as are our goats.
Drying off is a dairy term that is used to describe milking animals that are ending their milk production. Different farmers use different techniques. With milking animals, udder health is of utmost importance. Being a skilled milk producer includes having outstanding results during this drying off period to ensure goats are not in pain from not being under milked, are not over milked and infections are prevented.
This is a fine balance that requires attention and care. One more reason I am thankful for our small and intimate herd of milking goats. At our farm, we pride ourselves on successfully drying off our goats each year. Taking care to keep individual udders healthy and goats happy so antibiotics are not necessary now or when they freshen (start producing milk) in the spring.
Yes! Our 2024 season of milk production is coming to a close! Our goats are super stars and we love each and every one of them dearly. I am thankful for the nutrition they bring us year after year. I am thankful for fall and winter for the rest period they bring.