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"Sweet with a Bit of Heat!"

We only make this cheese when the goats are on young, fresh spring pasture, typically during May and June. The lighter flavoured, lower fat milk the goats produce in this late spring season is necessary to achieve the flavours in this cheese.

Pellets on Pasture has tang and acidity that is balanced by a creamy texture and suggestions of fresh grass. In addition, we add peppercorns which contribute a spicy complexity. We first boil the peppercorns in water before adding that peppercorn water to the cheese curds during the cheese make. When I am forming the wheels of cheese, I then add the whole peppercorns. This means that the entire cheese has a spicy peppercorn flavour plus a crunch from the peppercorns!


****IF necessary, please have your order shipped to your place of business so your cheese can be received. You do not want your cheese sitting in the Purolator depot if it cannot be delivered! ****

Pellets on Pasture

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